Quran Publishing System

 105,000 115,000

Qur’an Publishing System provides an efficient WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) solution for printing of Qur’an with product-1Qur’anic text, translation and tafseer. It provides industrial standard digital and advance printing facilities as opposed to the conventional methodologies of Qur’an Publications with added support to all Asian, European, sub-continental and international languages without the distinction of pattern i.e. whether it is RTL or LTR it is efficiently handled by the software, with unlimited visual customization options available for page layout. The Qur’an data incorporated in the software is 100% truetype ligature based error free and non editable.

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Search Criteria

  • Select a Sura
  • Goto Aya, Previous Aya, Next Aya, Random Aya, Details of Aya
  • Previous Hizb Quarter, Next Hizb Quarter
  • Goto Page, Next Page, Previous Page
  • Next Sajda, Previous Sajda


  • Select a Sura
  • Goto Aya, Previous Aya, Next Aya, Random Aya, Details of Aya
  • Previous Hizb Quarter, Next Hizb Quarter
  • Goto Page, Next Page, Previous Page
  • Next Sajda, Previous Sajda

Translation and Tafseer

  • Select a Sura
  • Goto Aya, Previous Aya, Next Aya, Random Aya, Details of Aya
  • Previous Hizb Quarter, Next Hizb Quarter
  • Goto Page, Next Page, Previous Page
  • Next Sajda, Previous Sajda

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3.7, 4.0